Upcoming Performance:
Memorial Day Concert
Join us for a night of great company and excellent music!
Our next public performance will be a free concert held in the Boerne High School Auditorium on May 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
While RSVP's are not required in any way, we encourage you to let us know if or not you can come via our Facebook page linked to the RSVP button. It encourages the musicians!
We hope you can join us!

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Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. This is the place to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.
Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. This is the place to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.
Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. This is the place to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.
35 Years Experience
Licensed & Skilled Team
Commitment to Excelence
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The Mathews
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Chris Parks & Associates
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